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Friday, March 25, 2011

Return Of The Maverick

After a long lay-off whether on purpose or not it is good to be back. No I wasn't incarcerated but mentally I was on vacation. I took a break from life and with that there went my blog. I love to share and give a piece of me to everyone hence my return. With all the natural disasters that have have been occurring over the last few months it's hard to harp on small issues that we have in everyday life. I sat and watched a 60 minutes episode a few weeks back and I was saddened by the subject. The topic focused on families that had been displaced due to the economic crisis. This left homeless children many of which now live in hotel and motels. So we should ask ourseles; Is it really that bad for us? I personally am truly blessed and thankful for everything that I have, but not satisfied. I want more because we all have a deep rooted selfishness that burns like a pire. I have very few actual needs that I am without. I do however have a truckload of wants. Those wants is what seems to get us in trouble. Today is the first day of the rest of our lives. I for one will make a concious effort to appreciate what I have rather than focus on what I don't.
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