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Friday, October 14, 2016


An empty room
Is never


Move with purpose
As if your life depends on it

Friday, March 25, 2016


Over time you realize that time does not move with everyone. Some people are just destined to remain stagnate and for some odd reason are okay with that outcome. Chaos without organization is unorganized chaos. I try to live life as simple as I can, therefore minimizing unnecessary issues. When something comes into my inner circle that disrupts my chi then I retreat. Not from lack of fear but for self preservation. This is how I keep the balance that allows me to move forward through life and beyond. Take from it what you will but know that all moves are calculated and well thought out beforehand. Just like the spinning of the Earth I have to keep it moving and anything that attempts to disrupt that flow will be deflected. I am a provider meaning I cannot be concerned with nonsense nor pestilence. I look to the most high when I lack the strength to carry on. I am not worried about futile words that I know comes with my decisions because I walk with God and God walks with me.
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