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Sunday, October 1, 2017


I search for inner peace
In places not yet found
I sit in mental darkness
Illuminated by fear
I envision love
Even though love is blind
Drawn to you
Through time and space

Friday, October 14, 2016


An empty room
Is never


Move with purpose
As if your life depends on it

Friday, March 25, 2016


Over time you realize that time does not move with everyone. Some people are just destined to remain stagnate and for some odd reason are okay with that outcome. Chaos without organization is unorganized chaos. I try to live life as simple as I can, therefore minimizing unnecessary issues. When something comes into my inner circle that disrupts my chi then I retreat. Not from lack of fear but for self preservation. This is how I keep the balance that allows me to move forward through life and beyond. Take from it what you will but know that all moves are calculated and well thought out beforehand. Just like the spinning of the Earth I have to keep it moving and anything that attempts to disrupt that flow will be deflected. I am a provider meaning I cannot be concerned with nonsense nor pestilence. I look to the most high when I lack the strength to carry on. I am not worried about futile words that I know comes with my decisions because I walk with God and God walks with me.

Monday, December 22, 2014


The way life throws us curves it is a wonder we have not all found the nearest bridge and climbed to the top of the rail and leaped to our death. It's so difficult at times staying afloat without a life preserver. I attempt to stay focused on the good things but bad thoughts crawl there way back into my mental. So much pain and despair seeps from the cracks of the city like and open wound. The streets are blood red from the injustice we all endure. The media poisons our free will and continues to be a burden on our very own conscious.  What's next? What now? Where do we turn? It's a challenge for all but together we can make a difference. I'm not some philosopher that spews knowledge for everyone to soak up like a sponge. I do however believe that there is a calm over the horizon.  The question is how do we find it?

Friday, January 10, 2014


Eyes allow us to see only what our mind allows us to see.  If you set limitations on your ability to dream you only tap into small areas of infinite space.  Look out a window and some people may only see trees.  If you look closer others may see the bark on the trees.  Look further still and some may notice the bugs crawling on the tree or the different variations of the tree bark.  If you have the ability to see, take the time to embrace all that the world has afforded you.  Appreciate the little things and never sell yourself short.  Look beyond what you are expected to see and take notice.

Thursday, January 9, 2014


Keeping my mind free to allow information to absorb.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Jan 2

There is a thin line between resolutions and goals. I choose to keep mine to myself because I don't need to broadcast my personal goals. When it becomes global it can become more of a 'look at me' rather than attempting to better yourself. With that being said this year I do have goals that I personally want to accomplish. Many of the goals are a commitment to change. These are life altering decisions that I personally want to achieve. My grandmother used to say, "There is power in the tongue". I believe that this goes for both positive or negative thinking as well. If you bring negativity in your inner circle then that is what you will get back. This also includes negative people. Some people bring you down and it's sometimes hard to recognize that when your in that situation. If you are treading water and are still in the same place that you were when 2013 started, then is most likely time for you to make a change. If you believe it then you can achieve it. I believe in positive self talk and by saying daily affirmations I will reach my goals in 2014 and beyond. Don't talk about it be about it!

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

My Thoughts Are My Thoughts

It is polarizing to me how the nation has become so divided. There seems to be an underlying issue of race based on an individual’s race. This case in my mind has never been about color for me. What’s right is right. I don't care if you are purple if you do something wrong you need to be punished for that act. I think people would have had a much different opinion if it had been their child. I am appalled that some people are so insensitive to this case. I think a case like this allows everyone to see how people really feel about themselves as well others from a different race, nationality, or class. People hide their true feelings but only they know what is in their heart. When you look in the mirror do you see a person pretending to be something your not? The ridiculous notion that this case was not about race is just that "ridiculous". The court of law suggests that it should be about the facts and the law but human nature suggest otherwise. If I see two people on a cliff and one is white the other is black who would I save first? There are many factors that would go into my decision but I can guarantee that color would not be one of the things I consider before I saved anyone. Do you think everyone feels the same? Probably not. I have been in a room and my friend says to me “do you realize that you are the only black person here?” I said “I guess I am.” I don't see color is my point. I am not oblivious that the world sees color so I have to be aware of that. Although I view it differently it is not that way for everyone. If someone can not relate or understand where a different race is coming from seek that knowledge. That is the difference between white and black. Blacks are expected to understand and identify or understand where white people are coming from to fit in. Some white people have not attempted to understand blacks nor have they cared to try. When someone speaks differently and verbally uses slang instead of talking down to them try to understand who they are. I get asked all the time, "do black people get sunburn"? Really? It is as if my I don't have real skin or something. It is a little more pigment but it is still skin nonetheless. It's not a secret that inner city schools may not be provided with the adequate tools for children to be placed on a level playing field of success. Why is it that because someone is different they are judged? Because someone does not speak correctly or at least "perceived" as speaking correctly they are not speaking proper? Slang is a synonym for (uneducated) to some people. It's not fair and it never has been and probably never will be. I speak from a person that has been racially profiled and harassed by cops and many other people. I walk a fine line in life because I know if I cross that line I am in trouble. I was taught from a young age don't put yourself in a situation that something can happen to you. Why is it that young black kids have to live in fear and change who they are to be accepted? Some people can turn it on and off. What I mean by that is have a different personality depending on where you are. I am different at work than I am at home or back in Michigan with the fam. I am the same person I just have different parts of me that come out at different times. I have so many people that don’t look like me say: "You’re a different kind of black person you don’t seem black." What the hell does that mean? I listen to rock, country, gospel, rap, hip-hop, was in a rock band and I perform rap music too. If I wear a hoodie they clutch their purse. If I wear a suit they want to date me. You can not have it both ways just accept me for me. Put yourself in shoes where you walk on pins and needles everyday in fear. I am a law abiding citizen but at the end of the day I am still harassed and profiled. And that is the scary part when innocent people have to be afraid we are in trouble as a society. I recall an instance in college and I attended a frat party with white friends. We were stopped at the door and told that everyone could come in except for me. My friends were pissed and I told them go ahead and go in. They stood up for me and we all left together. My friend was invited to rush that frat and he said he wanted no part of that organization. I appreciated that because that took guts and it showed what kind of people they were. They were so mad saying “it’s not right.” They wanted to go back and break windows. I said "why are you mad?" They said "it’s just not right." I said "you just experienced something for a few minutes but I live it everyday. If I fought every battle when I am treated like that I would be fighting almost everyday and would probably lose my mind...."

Thursday, May 9, 2013

To See Me Is Not To Know Me

As minds wander aimlessly
we have to take time to focus
Gazing out the window through a
double pane glass
I often find myself all alone
Although I am surrounded
by flesh I feel nothing.
The warm heartbeat
that sputters is not fulfilling
A room with a view
that doubles as a self embodied prison
All that defines me
is tucked away like a recluse
Unable to pierce my soul
due to a thick exoskeleton
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